Facility Address Date Type # Critical Violations # Non-Critical Violations Comments
Brenda’s Café 119 W. Broadway, Bolivar 5/3/2021 Routine 0 None 2 1.  Microwave dirty.  2. Women’s restroom missing covered trash receptacle.
Pizza Hut 1988 S. Springfield, Bolivar 5/4/2021 Routine 0 None 0 None
Next Stop 103 W. Hwy 215, Pleasant Hope 5/4/2021 Follow up 1 Evidence of pests 2 1. Floors, walls, cabinets and walk-in cooler dirty. Repeat violation.  2. Unnecessary clutter throughout facility. Repeat violation.
China King 2270 S. Springfield, Bolivar 5/4/2021 Routine 0 None 2 1. Can opener rusty.  2. Food containers not properly labeled.  (COS) Some violations corrected on site during inspection.
Fullerton Ball Fields -City of Bolivar 1710 W, Broadway, Bolivar 5/6/2021 Follow up 0 None 0 None
Main Street Mediterranean 115 W. Broadway, Bolivar 5/6/2021 Routine 0 None 1 Dish machine area dirty and cluttered.
McDonald’s 903 S. Springfield, Bolivar 5/6/2021 Routine 2 1. Sanitizer mixed too strong. (COS)  2. Chemicals stored improperly in store room.  (COS) 0 None Violations corrected on site during inspection.
Jasmine 211 S. Springfield, Bolivar 5/6/2021 Routine 4 1. Food product stored on floor. (COS) 2. Unlabeled spray bottle. (COS) 3. Medicine stored improperly.(COS)  4. Sanitizer mixed too strong. (COS) 1 Floor throughout  kitchen areas  dirty. Critical violations corrected on site during inspection.
Facility Address Date Type # Critical  Violations # Non-Critical Violations Comments
Hannah’s 108 W. 1st St., Fair Play 5/10/2021 Routine 3 1. Unlabeled spray bottle.  (COS)  2. Food items in hot hold not held at proper temp. (COS)  3. Evidence of pests. (COS) 4 1. Vent hood dirty.  2. Food containers not properly labeled. (COS)  3. Dirty walls, floors and air vents. 4. Food stored on floor in walk-in cooler. (COS) Critical violations corrected on site during inspection.
Dollar General 217 S. Troost, Fair Play 5/10/2021 Routine 2 1. Toxic product stored over paper product.  (COS)  2. Outdated baby food. (COS) 1 Women’s restroom missing lid on trash.  (COS) Violations corrected on site during inspection.
Fair Play School 301 N. Walnut, Fair Play 5/10/2021 Routine 0 None 0 None  
Sweet Kayle 106 E Jackson, Bolivar 5/11/2021 Routine 0 None 1 Dining area closet dirty.  
Humansville School 300 N. Oak, Humansville 5/11/2021 Routine 1 Unlabeled spray bottle. (COS) 0 None Violations corrected on site during inspection.
Ball Family Café 108 S. Ohio, Humansville 5/11/2021 Routine 1 Sanitizer too strong. (COS) 1 Uncovered food in freezer.  (COS)  
Webb’s Tri-Lakes Café 102 S. Arthur, Humansville 5/11/2021 Routine 1 Food not held at proper temp in refrigerator. (COS) 3 1. Kitchen fan, oven and floor dirty.  2. Freezer missing thermometer. (COS) 3. Women’s restroom missing lid on trash can. Some violations corrected on site during inspection.
Dollar General 602 W. Tilden, Humansville 5/11/2021 Routine 1 Toxic product stored over paper product. (COS) 0 None  
Next Stop 103 W Hwy 215, Pleasant Hope 5/13/2021 Follow up 1 Evidence of pests. Repeat violation 2 1. Floors dirty. Repeat violation.  2. Wood shelving needs painted, sealed.  
Halfway School 2150 hwy 32, Halfway 5/13/2021 Routine 0 None 0 None  
Facility Address Date Type # Critical  Violations # Non-Critical Violations Comments
Countryside Discount Grocery 3466 Hwy 123, Dunnegan 5/17/2021 Routine 0 None 0 None  
Shadyside Bulk Food 3756 Hwy 123, Dunnegan 5/17/2021 Routine 0 None 1 No hand drying method provided at hand sink.  (COS) Violation corrected on site.
Ozark Country Kitchen 3601 Hwy 123, Dunnegan 5/18/2021 Routine 2 1. Unlabeled spray bottle. (COS)  2. Improper storage of chemicals. (COS) 1 Women’s restroom missing lid on trash receptacle. Critical violations corrected on site during inspection.
City of Bolivar Rec and Aquatic Center 1710 W. Broadway, Bolivar 5/18/2021 Pre-opening 0 None 0 None  
Facility Address Date Type # Critical  Violations # Non-Critical Violations Comments
Mid-Watch Coffee Co 119-B S. Main, Bolivar 5/24/2021 Pre-opening 0 None 0 None  
Rooster’s BBQ 525 W. Broadway, Bolivar 5/25/2021 Routine 0 None 3 1. Facility needs cleaning.  2. Women’s restroom missing covered trash receptacle.  3. Freezer missing thermometer.  
Dusty Bob’s Mobile 750 E. Parkview, Bolivar 5/26/2021 Pre-opening 0 None 0 None  
Burger King 1911 S. Springfield, Bolivar 5/28/2021 Complaint 0 None 1 Dining room floor dirty.